У Мережі виявлена дівчина-двійник популярної актриси Дженніфер Лоуренс, відомої за головною роллю в "Голодних іграх". Подібність відзначили користувачі соцмережі Instagram. "Це фото зі знімального майданчика твого нового фільму?", - зазначив один з них в коментарях до знімка. Сама дівчина зізналася, що схожість із зіркою її саму здивувала. Вона зазначила, що для неї стало сюрпризом, коли люди почали до неї звертатися за автографами.
Hi guys, so I have published the blog post that I made yesterday. (Link in bio.) It's by far the most bare and honest thing I have ever written, and some things I didn't even know if I should include. If you would set aside some time to read it, that would be really amazing. It's just about assumptions people make of me, and it's basically what was in the interview I had that never came out and more--it also explains why the interview never surfaced. Thank you guys so much for all of your support, you have no idea how it has helped me over the years 💖 A review from @hg_fanboy: "I totally didn't want to punch someone in the face while reading it." Публикация от Alexia Maier (@alxmai) Фев 15 2016 в 12:25 PST
Hi guys, so I have published the blog post that I made yesterday. (Link in bio.) It's by far the most bare and honest thing I have ever written, and some things I didn't even know if I should include. If you would set aside some time to read it, that would be really amazing. It's just about assumptions people make of me, and it's basically what was in the interview I had that never came out and more--it also explains why the interview never surfaced. Thank you guys so much for all of your support, you have no idea how it has helped me over the years 💖 A review from @hg_fanboy: "I totally didn't want to punch someone in the face while reading it."
Публикация от Alexia Maier (@alxmai) Фев 15 2016 в 12:25 PST
"У моєму рідному місті не побачити справжньої знаменитості. Мені просто говорили, що я схожа на Лоуренс. Але коли я приїхала в Нью-Йорк, у мене відразу почали просити автографи", - додала дівчина.
Took this one just for fun yesterday. Everyone have a great week! Please give credit if reposted. Публикация от Alexia Maier (@alxmai) Июн 1 2017 в 9:01 PDT
Took this one just for fun yesterday. Everyone have a great week! Please give credit if reposted.
Публикация от Alexia Maier (@alxmai) Июн 1 2017 в 9:01 PDT
Раніше Корреспондент.net повідомляв, що в Мережі була знайдена двійник актриси Емми Вотсон, відомою за роллю Герміони Грейнджер у "поттеріані".