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В Украине запретили Mein Kampf
Even the hero of the Nachtigall incident, Viatrovych, has written a very one-sided book on OUN’s attitude towards the Jews. In it Viatrovych manages to exonerate the OUN of charges of antisemitism and complicity in the Holocaust only by employing a series of highly dubious procedures: rejecting sources that compromise the OUN, accepting uncritically censored sources emanating from migr OUN circles, failing to recognize antisemitism in OUN texts, limiting the source base to official OUN proclamations and decisions, excluding Jewish memoirs, refusing to consider contextual and comparative factors, failing to consult German document collections, and ignoring the mass of historical monographs on his subject written in the English and German languages.
сотруднике этого Института и советнике председателя Службы Безопасности ... который занимается глорификацией УПА, ОУН и их лидеров - Бандеры и Шухевича. Некоторое время назад он опубликовал книгу об УПА, где многие документы, неудобные д