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Лидер "Поры" назначен советником Ющенко
Я тоже решил поискать, неужели нет доказательств тому, что УПА воевали против немцев ? И первая же статья в Википедии выдала, например, это
Аccording to German Eastern Front General Ernst Kostring, UPA fighters "fought almost exclusively against German administrative agencies, the German police and the SS in their quest to establish an independent Ukraine controlled by neither Moscow nor Germany
Debriefing of General Kostring Department of the Army, 3 November 1948, MSC - 035, cited in Sodol, Petro R., 1987, UPA: They Fought Hitler and Stalin, New York: Committee for the World Convention and Reunion of Soldiers in the UIA, pg. 58.